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Kyrgyz language computerization group PDF Print E-mail

Investigations on computerization of Kyrgyz language in the Institute began in 1987 because of conducting the first Repubilcan Olympiad on informatics for schoolchildren in the USSR. Further, the unified algorithm of word-formation in Kyrgyz language was formulated and implemented on a computer; a controlling-teaching program on word-formation in Kyrgyz language was introduced in education. The Group was organized in 2007 for fulfilling the project «Computerization of Kyrgyz language grammar and interactive algorithmical presentation of basic notions of Kyrgyz language» supported by the Presidium of NAS of KR.

Nowadays P.S.Pankov, G.M.Kenenbaeva, S.A.Karabaeva together with B.J.Bayachorova and F.T.Nazarbaev conduct investigations.

Some investigations were performed as graduation works by students of universities.

Developed programs are in use in educational institutions in Kyrgyzstan and abroad.


Institute Laboratories Kyrgyz language computerization group

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